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Tell Me How You're Mighty: Real Talk About Cheating
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79. Does My Husband Have Another Wife?

Tracy and Sarah answer your letters including one from a woman who discovered her husband was telling people online that she was dead and referred to another woman and their child as "wife and daughter." Is this a game to him? Is he cheating? Or is...

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March 24, 2025

79. Does My Husband Have Another Wife?

Tracy and Sarah answer your letters including one from a woman who discovered her husband was telling people online that she was dead and referred to another woman and their child as "wife and daughter." Is this a game to him? Is he cheating? Or is...

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March 18, 2025

78. F*ckwits of the Week

This week we asked what your FWs were up to. Of course, the goal is meh, but some of us are still coparenting, or in the midst of divorce, or news of their misadventures travels back. Often with a large dose of schadenfreude and gratitude that these...

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March 11, 2025

77. Mind Movies and Rumination After Infidelity

Part of the trauma after infidelity is rumination. The endless mind movies reliving what you know and, worse, imagining what you don’t. In this episode, listeners tell us how they dealt with the endless intrusive thoughts. What therapies worked, who...

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Feb. 18, 2025

Aunties on the Bench: Advice from Chumps to the Newly Betrayed

What advice would you give a new chump knowning what you know now? We heard from many listeners who had hard-won advice for the newly betrayed. How to choose who you tell, to focusing on self-protecting over reconciliation, and deep regrets about...

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Feb. 11, 2025

75. Cheater Non-Apology Apologies

"I'm sorry, but you didn't like octopus," is among the more ridiculous apologies a cheater has given for being unfaithful. In this episode, Tracy and Sarah react to your submissions for lamest non-apology apologies you received. The sad sausages for...

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Feb. 4, 2025

73. How to Be a Supportive Friend to Someone Who Was Cheated On

Sarah and Tracy answer a letter from a listener wondering how she can be a supportive friend to someone who is in an abusive marriage with a cheater. When should you worry about your own personal safety, or call child services? Is there anything you...

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About the Hosts

Tracy Schorn Profile Photo

Tracy Schorn

Author and creator of ChumpLady.com

Tracy is a journalist and cartoonist who runs the popular advice site ChumpLady.com. She’s also the author of “Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life: The Chump Lady’s Survival Guide” (Hachette, 2016).

A liberal arts major with a peripatetic career, her most recent straight job was state news editor at the AARP Bulletin. Covering voter suppression guides during the Trump years broke her brain and she returned to freelancing, which gives her more time to tell people to leave jerks.

A most recent accolade: her protest sign — a drawing of herself screaming into the void — now resides at the Smithsonian.

Sarah Gorrell Profile Photo

Sarah Gorrell

BBC radio presenter, mighty single mum of four

Studied law. Visions of sweeping round court in a dramatic fashion. Realised more likely to be involved in petty disputes than high court drama . Relocated dramatic sweeping ambitions to radio.

Gathered experience. University Radio Nottingham, BBC Nottingham, commercial radio. Non-glamorous overnight presenting shifts on industrial estates.

London and post-graduate diploma in broadcast journalism followed by Lantern Fm. Afternoon presenter, voice of the Lantern gnome.

Then Plymouth Sound. BBC Cornwall and the regional evening share. Populated by poetry reading regulars. Braved the backlash of banning poetry. Boosted the audience. Introduced diverse voices. One of them, a dominatrix, got Sarah her first Sony (Radio Academy) nomination. Two more Sonys followed then some network presenting.

Finally Brighton breakfast. A Frank Gillard award when a listener invited Sarah to follow through her gender reassignment surgery. Now to be found discussing anything from bereavement to whether naturists bare bottoms are socially acceptable in a pub environment.


Advice from real people who find their spouse isn't who they thought

"I am so glad there is finally a podcast about infidelity and all the crazy stories that go with it, along with survival stories, and done with humor which at some point is all you can go to with the …"

Tracy | Sept. 21, 2023

A much-needed voice

"I am so grateful to have found Chump Lady’s writing, and now to have this amazing podcast is such a gift! It’s uplifting, validating, and affirming. Listening to it helps me feel less alone, and arme…"

msspanish | Oct. 12, 2023

Yes Please!

"I LIVE for podcasts. I’m very fussy and will dismiss podcasts that may mean well but just don’t deliver on listenable status. This one delivers! If you’ve been cheated on at anytime in your life (yes…"

WineyJack | Oct. 11, 2023

Sanity saving, and in some cases, life saving wisdom

"Wow, this is even better than the blog. The humanity you can feel from voices, chuckles, and earnest interviews touches the soul and deep corners of scared and traumatized minds."

StrongerNow | Oct. 17, 2023

No (w)reckonciliation here

"Tracy Shorn and her no nonsense viewpoint saved me from wallowing in self pity after my husband abruptly left me for his secret mistress. In this podcast, she and Sarah tell their stories and intervi…"

Redheadmom | June 30, 2024

better than any therapist so far

"Listening is helping me move forward. thank you"

KK | July 23, 2024