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Gain A Life Episodes

Inspiring stories of overcoming infidelity.
Jan. 16, 2024

'A Wedding Ring Is Not a Diploma': An Interview with Shani Silver of …

Shani Silver, TikToker, author of a Single Revolution, and the podcast A Single Serving, is a unique  voice of support, shedding the societal shame around singlehood. With Sarah and Tracy, she gives a snarky take down of dating culture, the...

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Dec. 5, 2023

21. Abandoned Wives and Runaway Husbands: An Interview with Therapist…

After 21 years of marriage, one day therapist Vikki Stark's husband walked out on her. Unbeknownst to her, he'd been having an affair for six years. She thought they were happily married. The experience changed her life and her therapy practice. "He...

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Sept. 19, 2023

10. Getting the Hell Out of Dodge

Sarah and Tracy talk with Nancy, a woman who pulled up stakes for a new town, a new career and a new identity after her divorce -- moving to the other end of the country to take a job as a resident "dorm mom" at a boarding school. With food and...

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Aug. 25, 2023

9. Don't Get Mad, Build an Organization

After Christina Pavlina went through her own divorce, she helped create a nonprofit to make it easier for women to navigate the process. Pavlina is the cofounder and the executive director of Jane Does Well, a national outreach organization. Beyond...

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Aug. 1, 2023

7. Telling People Your Chump Story

Sarah and Tracy discuss being public with their chump stories. Guest Paul Doncaster takes mightiness to a new level when he tells his D-Day story "The Stranger" at Moth Radio storytelling contest in front of a live audience. And his ex turns up with...

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July 21, 2023

6. She Left Her Cheating Husband While Pregnant with Twins

It takes a special kind of resilience to leave a cheater when you're four months pregnant with twins -- but that's exactly what our guest Alyson did. At the time, she had two other small kids at home and was the family breadwinner. She's now a mighty...

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July 18, 2023

5. Ordinary People with Extraordinary Mightiness

Sarah and Tracy discuss the ordinary people they've met who've impressed them with their extraordinary resilience. Teasers for mighty stories to come!

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