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Diane Strickland

Diane Strickland Profile Photo

Trauma Specialist/Pastor

Diane Strickland trained as a Certified Community and Workplace Traumatologist, Compassion Fatigue Specialist, and Critical Incident Responder, and is also an ordained clergyperson. She did ground support after Canada’s two largest natural disasters, including several years flyin/out of a remote location. She also works on-call serving institutional clients of a national health service provider. As a trauma survivor Diane started her website “Your Story is Safe Here” to serve wives and partners traumatized by men called sex addicts. Both of Diane’s Master’s degrees are from the University of Toronto—an M.A. in Psycholinguistics and an M.Div. During the pandemic Diane also wrote the first Trauma Informed Ministry Primer in Canada. Returning to her roots after twenty-two years in Alberta, Diane and her partner now live on fifty acres of Canadian Shield north of Kingston, Ontario with an old Border Collie and a Tuxedo Cat.

Oct. 3, 2023

12. Angry, 'Codependent' Women: An Interview with Trauma Specialist, Diane Strickland

Diane Strickland started the website to help wives and partners traumatized by men called sex addicts. She challenges the notion that such women are "codependent," but rather abused. Diane is a trained Canadian trauma specialist, critical incident...