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Nell Hudson

Nell Hudson Profile Photo

Writer, Actress

Nell Hudson is an actor & writer. She graduated from the Oxford School of Drama in 2012 and has been working as a professional actor ever since. Nell’s debut novel, Just For Today, was published by Tinder Press in summer 2022. She writes a newsletter on Substack covering life, mental health, feminism and culture. She is contributing editor to Sunday Girl magazine and will shortly take over as host of their monthly podcast.
She lives in Peckham, London, with her fiancé, Max, and a Jack Russell cross, Maggie.

Oct. 22, 2024

'Cheating Is Abuse,' An Interview with Nell Hudson

Tracy talks with writer and actress Nell Hudson about her eight-year relationship with a man who had a double life -- which she discovered on their anniversary. What he excused as another woman's infatuation with him, turned out to be an entire...
Guest: Nell Hudson