Tell Me How You're Mighty: Real Talk About Cheating

These are the women you want in your corner when you're headed into battle...

Tracy Schorn, aka "Chump Lady," saved me in 2013 when I discovered my husband was living a double life. Amid the fog he created to keep me stuck, I found clarity and a path forward by reading and re-reading her smart, matter-of-fact, and hilarious website/blog. Now, she's paired up with the delightful Sarah Gorrell, and this podcast is just the thing to help you gain the necessary strength to leave a cake-eating, cheating spouse. Each week, Tracy and Sarah talk with survivors, trauma specialists, mental health experts, etc., and help their listeners gain insight and understanding. These women are the real deal, the kind of friends you need in your corner to set you straight and keep you moving forward so you can free yourself and live your best life.

Jan. 2, 2024 by Book_girl55 on This Website

Tell Me How You're Mighty: Real Talk About Cheating